Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Futile attempt at procrastination

It's nice and sunny and warm out. I am not outside. I am stuck in front of my computer designing lesson plans. And as much as I know I need to think over this stuff more before I attempt to teach it tomorrow, another part of me just wants to go frolic outside. I even had my dinner date cancelled. So now I have to figure out food too. *sigh* And at the moment, a nap seems like a very good idea.

In other news, as of tomorrow I will only have three more weeks of student teaching left. :) I will get through it, I will! No one can stop me! Well, maybe Jeff, but we're trying not to enable each other's procrastination. His formal was lovely, on a huge sailboat down off Virginia Beach, only we actually spent less time on the boat than in the bus getting there, mostly because certain foolish underclassmen blatantly and dangerously disregarded their alcoholic limits. As soon as I get the pictures from Lynn's digital camera I'll send them on to interested parties. ;)

Boo...I should probably go either figure out something for dinner or watch and analyze the lesson I videotaped. I hate seeing myself on tape, I always think I look stupid.

Currently reading: The Ragwitch by Garth Nix. Not as good as the Abhorsen trilogy, I find I'm mildly disappointed in it. Still slogging through, because anything is better than reading for school. At least I got a whole bag of books from Genevieve, who is starting to clear out her room for her move to Barcelona! :)

Also recently read: Among the Hidden by Margaret Peterson Haddix. One of the undergrads did her book talk on this book back in our Young Adult Literature class, and I wanted to read it then. She made it sound more exciting than it actually turned out to be, but then, it's written for fairly young readers. The first book of a trilogy, maybe the subsequent volumes end up being more exciting.

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