Friday, April 27, 2007


Apparently there's nothing like being a teacher to make you appreciate the weekends. And I'm proud of me, I weathered a full day of teaching on only 4 hours sleep. (I do not plan to make this a habit!) The fact that both my large classes were considerably smaller from absences helped quite a bit.

In other news, happy belated birthday Becky! (ooh, alliteration! Sorry, in the midst of a poetry unit, so I look for sound devices everywhere.) I honestly intended to call you on the actual day, but I forget what happened to prevent me from doing so... Anyway, I just wanted to reassure you that the lack of contact does not mean that you were forgotten.

I have much more to do in the next few weeks than I'd like--meaning I should start some of it now, before the evening's entertainment, but I just can't bring myself to do it. Perhaps if it weren't so wet outside I'd be more likely to go out there and start the stack of grading I have. Ah, well.

Perhaps I will go finish a book not meant for school...

1 comment:

Becky said...

Hehe, I just noticed my birthday message. Thank you!