Friday, July 24, 2009

Reclaiming Space

I guess it's a measure of just how busy my spring semester was that I haven't posted since January! It's late now, so I'm just going to do a quick dump of the books I've been reading recently:

Brother Odd and Odd Hours by Dean Koontz
I love Odd as a character, but the books themselves have been hit and miss for me--in that order, actually. I really liked the community of religious depicted in Brother Odd, and it just felt more natural than Hours did, especially because swapping out Odd's companion ghost is a bit of a gimmick.

Feast of Souls
and Wings of Wrath by C.S. Friedman
Friedman has a talent for putting together compelling worlds with intricate politics, histories, and mythologies, and letting a rebel search for the truth in it, and this Magister Trilogy is no exception.

Skim by Mariko & Jillian Tamaki
Rachel was right, this is a beautiful book, but I wanted more at the end!

The Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold
A BookCrossing ring. Nice to get a chance to read this since it's in the 11th grade curriculum and before the movie comes out. Interesting, but I'm not sure I see the reason for all the hype. I haven't thought about it in too much detail, though.

Much more to add when I get back from the beach!

1 comment:

Becky said...

Hmm, I loved Skim and The Lovely Bones. The end of Skim was a little surprising in its abruptness, but I thought maybe that was ok... I couldn't figure out exactly what I thought about that.