The series is a bit like Harry Potter--directed more at kids in the earlier seasons, but as the series progresses, the protagonist and the subject matter matures. I really enjoy the character development, as almost all the characters are complex, even though some aspects of their personalities come out very rarely. That's not to say that some parts of the show aren't predictable--it is a cartoon, nominally for kids, so some of the conflicts/interactions are simplified--but usually not in such a way that it detracts from the plot. Returning to my Harry Potter comparison, I had Zuko pegged as a Snape-like character from the beginning. Someone so insistantly stubborn and evil has to be working for good in the end. Also--Rachel will laugh, remembering my Chichiri obsession--he's got a facial scar. :)

Now, is this Avatar marathon a justification for not getting enough other stuff done this week? Probably not, but between the timing of my appointments/rehearsals and prep for the shore, it sure has filled up most of the extra time. :)
Also, a big "Break a leg!" shoutout to the Uncut Pages people doing their thing in the DC Fringe. I really wish I'd been able to get there last night. Hopefully someone has recorded it and I can see it when I come visit Rachel and Becky in August.
Currently Reading: Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen (for school, since I'll be teaching it in Honors next year and I don't really remember it)
The Bourne Identity by Robert Ludlum. It's not often I read books after seeing the movie, so this is an interesting comparison.
Also, I have a BookCrossing copy of the newest Artemis Fowl book, if anyone would like to read it and pass it on to the next reader.
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