Tuesday, June 19, 2007

The epitome of the ridiculousness of my day

I have been doing work since 7:30ish AM. I have requested W&M transcripts for my job applications. I have updated the Google Doc for my group project. I have eaten lunch while reading articles for my master's project. I've gone in to do GA work and looked up flights for the professor's friend, something not remotely related to the program. And then, I got the ridiculous assignment of reading, editing, and making notes on the draft of the new handbook for the whole of the Curriculum and Instruction program (mistakenly composed of the three different handbooks previously used in the program). The thing is over 100 pages long. I spent two hours on it, then went to my first tutoring session with the autistic son of a W&M professor, where I fumbled my way through some academic stuff. He's gluten-free/casin-free, too, which means that the pizza I helped him make for dinner was not remotely appealing to me as something to eat. His mom got back late (but at least she paid me cash for the difference), and knowing the amount of work ahead of me, I grabbed dinner from Wawa on the way home. Took about 20 minutes to eat without attempting to do anything else, then went back to work on the handbook. EVERYTHING about this program that is frustrating and ridiculous is in that draft. I finally finished two hours later at 11 (making 4 hours total working on the stupid thing), then go check my email. Dr. Moore has sent me the revision of the chapter he's been working on, "in case I get a chance to read it" before coming in tomorrow at 9 am.

Cue hysterical breakdown.

*And that's what I had last night but didn't get a chance to publish*

Jeff and some Sleepytime tea got me to the point where I could calm down and go to sleep, but still--my soul just hurts. I overslept this morning, couldn't bring myself to care enough to hurry to GA work, and then went over all my comments on the ridiculousness of that handbook with Dr. Moore, then tried to do some other work for him. Gave up, went to write the reflection due in class today, grabbed some snacks out of the vending machine, and went off to meet my group about this huge project for class. I was walking toward the building, and all I could think was "I can't be here now. I can't handle this." At least I got to vent to my group, but still--I can't bring myself to care about this anymore. I managed to sit through class, albeit much more cynically than usual (poor group of mine), and now... I don't know what I need. Probably to eat something real, but I'm sort of nauseous. Being someplace like the beach or the woods so I could just walk around and be and not think for a while would be lovely, but I really shouldn't drive right now, and Becky's not here to put me back together. There's just so much to do, so much I don't think I can do at this point, and no time... I might try curling up in bed for a while and see if anything good comes out of that.

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