Sunday, June 03, 2007


Today didn't turn out anything like I expected. The professor I have my assistantship with said he would call and let me know when we were meeting. I had told him anytime after 1 was fine. So I head into campus to go to the library at noon, figuring I can do some of my own work and then just go over to the office when he calls. Except he never did. And no emails, etc. So now I'm wondering, was I supposed to call? Whatever, I shouldn't worry about it.

And then I come home when the library closes, have a snack, and lay down on the couch with Ender's Shadow, which I now know I haven't read before. I got sleepy, so I figured it's 7pm, I can take a little nap, as per usual this past semester. I woke up half an hour ago. How on earth could I sleep that long? I'm confused. And now I don't know what to do. Do I eat dinner? Do I just go back to sleep?

Most recently read: The Nanny Diaries, by Emma McLaughlin and Nicola Kraus. Read to send on to another BookCrosser, I enjoyed this more than I thought I would. Journal entry is here.

Inkspell, by Cornelia Funke. I picked this up in New York City for my tkts line reading. It lost some of the magic of the first one, and I'm not quite sure why. Perhaps because the characters were familiar at this point. Also, they make Fenoglio out to be more arrogant, callous, and indifferent than anything I had picked up on from Inkheart. Sure, he'd had his whole author-God complex, but when he was confronted with the reality of how cruel Capricorn was, he'd seemed to change. And yes, he did end up living in the Inkworld when he was sucked into the book, but I don't think that explains the change in his attitude for this book.

And a bunch of books for research, but those aren't nearly as interesting. ;)

Books read this month: 7
Total number of books read this year: 23, if I've counted right

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